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Showing posts from April, 2019


We had some major rest and relaxation time for the past week at Twin Oaks RV Park in Elko, Georgia. If you're ever in the area, it was FANTASTIC and we highly recommend staying there.  It was definitely what the doctor ordered to get rested up for a bit! It was right between Andersonville National Historic Site and Ocmulgee National Monument, Jimmy Carter National Historic Site wasn't far beyond Andersonville. We got to do some sightseeing and not have to drive the motorhome everywhere. Wednesday we drove up to Macon, Georgia and went to Ocmulgee National Monument which has this amazing building that is original to when the site was set aside in the 1930s. This is another earth mounds site. What makes this one unique is that they discovered an earth lodge and reconstructed it for visitors to see.  This tunnel was SHORT in height and rather long in length--you had to go in a good 20 feet to get to the main room The main room was walled off with Plexiglas because th

Florida - Georgia

Monday was just one quick stop at the Daytona International Speedway! Wish we had had time to take a tour, I think the trams actually drive ON the track so you can see how it curves up the wall! Tuesday we saw fort after fort after fort, all pre-Revolutionary, from the time period of Spain, France, and Britain trying to stake a claim in the New World! The British laid siege to St. Augustine, Fort Matanzas was one of the Spanish forts helping to protect St. Augustine. We got to take a ferry ride over to the fort. Spanish military flag flying over the fort, you could climb clear up to where the flag was flying We drove over a drawbridge to get there and come back and got to watch it open to let a sailboat through (you can see the mast to the left, between the light pole and the drawbridge) Our next stop was Castillo de San Marcos IN St. Augustine Fort Matanzas and Castillo de San Marcos were both forts that were restored.  It was really interesting to wal