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Showing posts from March, 2020


Due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 travel restrictions, we feel like we should not be traveling for the foreseeable future.  We are healthy and well at the moment, but we do not want to be carriers or otherwise help spread this disease.  There is the small concern of a lot of places we want to go to being closed, but mostly we are concerned with having to hunker down and stay put. We'd rather that be a place of our choosing!  This blog will be on hiatus until we get on the road again. Thanks for reading!

Heading South to Texas

We didn't head out of town until Wednesday and then it was driving, driving, driving.  Thankfully, our roads were clear and dry, nothing to complain about until we got to Oklahoma, driving into Texas, and it was windy! We stopped at the Monticello Temple so S could go in for the first time--last time we were here, she didn't have a temple recommend yet! (Photo from the temple website) We stayed overnight in Cortez, Colorado We headed into New Mexico Thursday, passing by Shiprock   We went to Aztec Ruins National Monument A World Heritage Site We could see the ruins behind the visitor center when we parked The visitor center was also a house The number carved on this beam was part of the archeological work The man who lived here was the guy who Indiana Jones was modeled on!   The front of the building, off to the right (off the photo) the ruins were visible behind the building   J and S earned "Not so Junior Ranger&q

Downtown Salt Lake City!

Since we were here for another week, we spent some time in downtown Salt Lake City. First up: some new public art on Regent Street, right in the middle of downtown Then, the Church History Library, where they had some artifacts on display including this sketch of the first small temple (Monticello Utah, by the way) After that, the Conference Center, currently acting as a visitor center for Temple Square Lots of different stuff on display   Plus two different films showing, one in the main auditorium and one in the Little Theatre We peeked in at the Arnold Friberg paintings in the "Book of Mormon gallery" These are the original paintings   Looked at a cutaway model of the Salt Lake Temple Went up to the roof to look down on the construction going on. Many of the windows have been removed, they are doing a LOT of renovation and earthquake-proofing the building, plus building an entirely new entrance to the temple We went over